Sunday, July 29, 2012

50 Shades of..."Oh my..."

What do you think of when you think of a knitter?
(Real knitters need not answer...
you already know you're a vital, vibrant
and exciting woman!)
Sadly, many people conjure up an image
somewhat like the one above when
they hear the word "knitter."

I spent this Sunday afternoon sitting on my porch,
Walkman ear buds firmly fixed in my ears,
knitting, of course.
Do you see me above?

Here's the rub --
I've been listening to the
50 SHADES trilogy.
(I'm actually about mid point of the second book.)

You cannot have missed the hype about these books:
NY Times bestsellers,
labeled "Mommy Porn,"
explicit sex scenes,
dominant/submissive relationship,
etc., etc., etc.

So, combine your image of a knitter
with someone listening to those books.
It makes a funny picture, doesn't it?

Here's my take on it.
When reading these books you've got to
remember to separate fantasy from reality,
DO NOT expect Jane Austin,
and prepare to be...
"Oh my..."
(I will never be able to hear that expression again 
and feel the same way about it.)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

From My Book Shelf--WILD

WILD by Cheryl Strayed will impress you with it's honesty.
This is  the memoir of Strayed,
 who at the age of twenty six, is "lost."
She is dealing with the death of her mother,
four years previously.
She has had a failed marriage.
She is dabbling with heroin in her present relationship.
Impulsively she decides to undertake a 1100 mile solo hike
of the Pacific Crest Trail
in an attempt to,
"come to terms with her life."

The Pacific Crest Trail is a wilderness trail.
It is rugged. 
There are bears, rattlesnakes,
scorching sun,
snow and ice.
Added to those are her
too heavy backpack,
(her description of trying to physically lift
her pack after loading it with her supplies,
is laugh-out-loud funny)
boots that aren't the right fit,
hunger and thirst,
and her total lack of experience as a hiker.
Before her first night on the trail,
she had never backpacked before.

Image of Strayed on the trail
from Google Images

But Strayed has true grit.
She puts one foot in front on the other
and makes the trek.
She shares her trials, 
her achievements
and her experiences.

I fully recommend this book.
It was a gift from my daughter for my birthday.
When she gave it to me I thought to myself,
"Okay... not really into hiking,
but I'll give it a try."
After the first couple of pages,
I couldn't put it down.
(Thank you Kate, loved it!)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

New Bags!

I've had a really productive week sewing.
I've just listed in my Etsy shop
in my newest fabric combination.

The Small Project Bag-- a favorite of sock knitters!

There's also a matching
I tucked this little bag in my large (heavy) purse
when I went to to NYC a couple of weeks ago.
It's what I carried when Kate and I were
out and about and it was really convenient!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

From My Book Shelf--THE HYPNOTIST

Just today I finished THE HYPNOTIST by Lars Kepler.
Normally I'm not a crime fiction reader,
but this was on a book list and was available,
and I'm like Mikey, I'll read anything...
This book had me from the first couple of pages.
It is creepy, dark, scary and has so many
twists and turns it's hard to keep up with them.

It's a debut novel by husband and wife team,
Swedish writers,
Alexandra and Alexander Ahndoril.
It is very much in the tradition of
Strig Larssen's  GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO series.

There are actually two main story lines
which do not begin to merge until the latter half of the book.
The book begins with a gruesome triple murder of a family.
The only survivor is the teenage son, who is so badly injured
he is unable to answer questions about it.
The investigating detective, Joona Linna
enlists the aid of Dr. Erik Maria Bark,
a hypnotist to break into the boy's subconscious.

If you like suspense and have a strong stomach,
I recommend this book.
Just keep in mind,
nothing is as it seems in this book...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Red, White & Blue, the Perfect Salad for the 4th

For me, one of my favorite things about summer,
is the watermelon.

I like to keep it cut into bite sized chunks
in the refrigerator all during the season.
It's the perfect snack,
side with a sandwich for lunch,
or even for dessert.

When buying watermelon, did you know
you should look for a lighter colored area
somewhere on it?
That's a good indication it has ripened in the field.
Also, opt for the heaviest one you can get.

In additon to the uses above,
you can make a pretty salad for your
4th of July table.

Watermelon, Blueberry and Feta Cheese Salad

In a large bowl, mix together:
2 cups watermelon, cubed
1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen
1/2 small onion, chopped

Shake together in a small jar,
juice of 1 lemon,
2T. extra virgin olive oil

Pour over and toss with the watermelon.
Sprinkle 2 oz. crumbled feta cheese
Handful of fresh basil, thinly sliced
over the top.

(The blueberries are all hiding!)

Happy 4th of July!

This week I'm linking with
Tasty Tuesdays at 33 Shades of Green
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style
Foodie Friday at Rattlebridge Farm