Thursday, July 31, 2014

On My Needles Today...

I am continuing on with my
Fusion jacket.
The back is done!

I am presently working on one
of the fronts.

This is my beginning yarn inspiration.
The sleeves will be knitted with it.

Happy knitting this week!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

SO GLAD I'm a Scavenger!

I found this set of blue vase prints
in the latest catalogue I received from
Gorgeous, aren't they?
I love Ballard's styling and
it is often a source book of
decorating inspiration.
However, this one time,
I was one step ahead of them!

Several years ago I found two unframed prints
in a local "antique" (i.e. junk) shop for $5.00 each.
I have loved blue and white forever
so could not pass them up. 

I framed them myself with frames from Michaels.

They now hang in my dining room.
Because of their position, 
the lighting in that room,
and my questionable photography skills,
I can't show you a really nice picture
of how they look.
They hang on either side of the 
dining room's archway into the living room 
and are a nice compliment to the
blue and white vases I have displayed there.

Now for the real beauty of it all...
Ballard's  19-inch square prints are priced at
$179.00 each.
My 19 x 23-inch prints cost me approximately
$40.00 each.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

On My Needles Today...

I have started a new,

This type of project always starts with me pulling
yarns from my stash.  
My inspiration is from several skeins of a
sea foam green, wool and mohair blend.
That will be my "main color."
Then I pull any color that works with it, 
especially paying attention to getting
as much textural variation as I can.
Differences in yarn weights
are not a factor.

Aren't the colors gorgeous knitted together?
My plans are for this to become a 3/4 length jacket.
Of course at this stage, the project is always
subject for a change of heart.
This piece is one half of the back...
so it's early yet!
This will be an ongoing project for a few weeks.
I'll keep you posted!

Happy knitting!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Simple New Window Treatment for the Living Room

The living room has been evolving 
a bit lately at
Buttermilk Cottage.

With the addition of my new "knitting" chair,
which I showed you last week,
I needed a little something different
at the living room window.
I had just done new window treatments
for this room about a year ago,

but that fabric clashed with the chair's.

Since I had fabric left over from the slipcovers just
made for love seats in that room
I decided to use some of it.
It's the heavily quilted fabric at the bottom.
I found a second textured, off white 
to use as well.
I used the same simple design 
as the previous treatment.
This window topper is a series
of five squares of fabric
(one fabric on each side),

sewn together, leaving a small opening for turning.

Once turned, I used fabric glue to close up the opening.

Clothespins work great to hold everything in place
while the glue is drying.

I then folded the squares in half diagonally.
This allows the contrasting fabric
to show a bit too.
Using  small curtain rings with clips
I arranged the folded squares on the curtain rod.

Ultimately I would like to have a slip cover 
made for the knitting chair
with a fabric that coordinates with the original
blue and yellow window treatment
and then rehang those in this room.
But in the meantime, this is working for me
and I am enjoying the change.

Happy weekend!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

On My Needles Today...

is a teal mohair mitten to match

one that is already finished.

The hat I was working on last week
is finished!

Happy knitting!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

My New "Knitting" Chair!

After waiting eight months for a 
chair I had on order from Ballard,
I finally decided I could wait no longer
and cancelled the order.

Making the rounds of the local furniture stores
I found one that "spoke" to me!
 I like the French script fabric.
It was comfortable,
which was the number one criteria since
my back likes to bother me.
(For someone who sits and knits
as much as I do, a chair with support
is essential.)
And the scale of the chair was right.

It was delivered the same afternoon I bought it.
(Ballard, I love your style,
but your customer service needs improvement.)

I now have a brand new "work station!"

The hidden bonus of this chair is that it's a
I have never been a fan of recliners.
They always seemed too big
and too bulky.
If someone had ever told me I'd own one someday,
I would have said they were crazy!
Never say never...

Come sit awhile...

Linking at Twirl and Take a Bow
All Things Heart and Home

Thursday, July 10, 2014

On My Needles Today... the beginning of a second hat in 
a different color way.

Here's the first one I was working
on a few weeks ago.
It's a fun little cloche
with an intricate Celtic cable,
topped with some coordinating 
and finished with a 
swirled crown in the same dusty pink.

Happy Knitting!

Saturday, July 5, 2014


This has been my living room since I moved into
Buttermilk Cottage eight years ago.
(Note the two yellow love seats 
that flank the fireplace.) 
Very traditional and I have loved it.
However, for the past few years 
I have wanted to lighten and relax the look a bit.

Notice a difference here?
The oriental rug is gone and
replaced with a natural jute one.

Next in line for change...
those yellow love seats.

Honestly, I have been looking for fabric
for slipcovers for two years!
Finally a couple of months ago
I found exactly what I wanted.
It is an off white, quilted fabric.

You are looking at 36 yards of fabric!
My upholsterer requested that I cut it into
five yard lengths for easier handling,
and then wash and dry it.
Next, she came to my house,
measured and cut the fabric
and then took it back to her workshop
to sew everything together.
Can you imagine making a 
slipcover without having the
piece of furniture in front of you
to "try it on" as you sew???
She's good...very, very good!
(A plus to this process is that I did not
have to live without my couches while
the slipcovers were being made!)

Last week she returned and installed them for me!
Bye bye, yellow couches!
And, they are a PERFECT fit!

I am loving my new, fresher, lighter and more "cottage" look!

However, as with any change to a room,
my mind is wandering to what else needs to be done.
Some possibilities...
*painting the room so the white "pops" a bit more (???)
*chalk painting the coffee table, black or white perhaps (???)

I'm thinking...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

On My Needles Today... a pretty cowl which is almost finished.
In fact I am in the process of binding it off.
This cowl is a custom order for a customer
in Slovenia!

This color way is inspired by Pantone's 2014 Color of the Year,
"Radiant Orchid."

Happy knitting everyone,
and happy Fourth of July!