Saturday, May 16, 2015

New in My Shop - Knitter's Tools!

 If you haven't visited my shop lately,
you haven't seen some of the handy
Knitting Tools I have recently added!

 One of my all time favorites is the 
a nifty little counter to help you
keep track of rows, stitches, repeats, etc
when knitting.
I actually have 2 or 3 of these
so I can always put my hands on one.

All knitters know what a hassle
a slippery yarn can be when knitting it.
"Yarn Bras" are the perfect tool to keep
them upright and perky!

I have even selected the ones I consider
absolute "essentials" for any knitting bag
and have them available in a 
pretty chevron Accessory Bag.
Wouldn't this make a great gift
for any beginner knitter?

Happy Weekend!
You'll find me on the porch knitting!