Sunday, July 12, 2015

Back in Business Again...or

...finally finishing the past week's project
of painting my office/sewing room/studio.
Small room...big painting job, 
for me anyway.

Here's what I started with last Monday:

This room was last painted about ten years ago
when I moved into Buttermilk Cottage.
Vivid color seems to have been the mood then.
But I have been thinking lately 
perhaps a paler shade 
would be a bit more calming.
This lighter shade of blue is 
called "Dewdrop."

Monday morning I started my day with
a trip to Lowe's to purchase supplies.
The color had already been chosen,
so I was home quickly.
Then came the huge job of
dismantling the room.

This small space is the 
command center of my business and 
I pack a LOT into it!

Everything came out except my office desk
and a large work table.
There was no space for them to be moved to, 
so I had to work around them.

A temporary sewing center was established
in the dining room for any work that
came in and needed doing while I was in
the midst of the great painting project.

Next came the wall prep and caulking.

By the end of the day,
a coat of primer had been applied.

On the second day, 
I began applying the real paint.
(From this angle you can see into my
bedroom which is the "old" blue.
It will soon be painted the "new" blue too.)

By the end of the day the walls were all painted,
including any needed touch ups.

Day Three was a slow and tedious day.
I did two coats of glossy white on the crown molding
and one coat of off white on all the trim work.
That's masking tape you see under the 
crown molding.

Finally on Thursday I began moving things back in
and establishing some order.

From this... this.

While getting things back in order, 
I have been very conscious of 
simplifying things.
Some of the artwork is gone, or changed 
for a fresher look.
My idea board was moved from one wall
to the opposite side of the room.

Except for some final
decor tweaking,
which for me, is always an evolving process,
all done!

I have decided painting is a lot like housework.
I hate doing it,
but love how I feel once it is done.