Sunday, August 1, 2010

Plaid Treasury!!

I had a nice surprise this morning when I received a message from Anna, a fellow Etsy shopkeeper. (You can check out her shop featuring paper jewelry here and her second shop,
which specializes in crocheted and knitted accessories.)
Anna was letting me know my plaid tote above had been included in a "Plaid Treasury" she had just put together. You can take a look at the Treasury here.
Thank you Anna for including my plaid tote.
Plaid always reminds me of "back to school." Unbelievably, our schools start back this upcoming week. It seems way too early, doesn't it?


  1. These plaid totebags look perfect for Fall! I love them!

  2. Hi Susan! Had to pop over
    and visit Buttermilk Cottage!
    I've wandered your archives
    and feel soooo at home. Love
    all of the projects that you
    are working on! What a darling
    home you and your sister have.
    I'll be sure to visit your shop...
    my daughter and I are absolutely
    smitten with Etsy : ) ! Hope
    you are enjoying a beautiful
    Sunday. xx Suzanne

  3. I love plaid - and both bags are so cute!
