Sunday, August 15, 2010

Remember this Yarn?

I always find it somewhat amazing that I can take some colored string, two pointed sticks and produce something from it. Do you remember me showing you this yarn last week?

The deed is now done and I have a very pretty and interesting scarf. The colors of the yarn are many shades of purple. The fibers included are mainly wools and mohair with a touch of metallic.

The scarf is knitted using a diagonal pattern. The combined yarns are my own boutique yarn I call FUSION, which are short lengths of different yarns, textures and colors knitted together and resulting in a unique finished fabric.
This scarf is now available in my
Etsy Shop.

You must be sure to visit Susan at Between Naps on the Porch where she is hosting another Metamorphosis Monday. There you will see many other "before" and "after" projects.

Have a very creative Monday!


  1. Wow, you are very good and very fast. I love that scarf. Pretty colors.

  2. What gorgeous colors on that scarf! Love it! I tried my hand at crocheting a scarf, but I am not in your league! Wow! Linda

  3. It's beautiful - I love the colors!

    Party and Entertaining Inspiration

  4. Very pretty! The colors are just beautiful... love it!

  5. Your scarf is gorgeous!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Beautiful rich color!!
    Happy Monday to you ~~

    xoxo Laura

  7. How lovely! I couldn't wait to see how those colors turned into a scarf. Beautiful work!

  8. Hi Gal! Popped over from Sheila's blog because I love the name of yours!! Peeked around a bit and really like your blog! This purple scarf is incredible! What a gorgeous color! I looked at some of your handbags, too and you do such beautiful work!

    Hope you have a great week!

  9. You are so talented! I am all thumbs when it comes to knitting!!!!
