Sunday, August 8, 2010

This and That

After spending WAY TOO MUCH TIME the past few days working on it, I now have a "real" banner for my blog! I've been blog hopping, looking for ideas and inspiration for what to do with mine for a while. I'm very much limited by my ability and knowledge of how things actually "work" here in blog land. Of course, there ARE people out there you can pay to design these things for you, but I'm a real DIY kind of woman. I will say, trying to figure it all out has been a great teacher and I've learned a lot. But, it's been a very slow and "trial and error" process. For now, this is what I have. It's better than the text title only I had before, but I'll probably be tweaking more from time to time!

I've just completed Elizabeth Berg's new book, THE LAST TIME I SAW YOU. It's a light read and somewhat predictable. The story follows several "sixty-something" year olds as they approach their fortieth high school reunion. Each coming with different expectations and life situations, the events of the actual reunion are not what was anticipated by any of the classmates. It's a story of second opportunities, and of how people are changed after forty years of life's lessons. Take it with you for a vacation read, but it probably won't stay with you much beyond your return home.

I've just started a scarf with these yarns. I know, I know...crazy to be knitting a wool scarf in August. It's a compulsion. I ALWAYS need something on my knitting needles. This is going to be finished quickly, so hopefully I'll show it to you in a couple of days.

Enjoy your week.


  1. I like the new header! And I can't wait to see the finished purple scarf - I love those colors!

  2. LOOK at your darling
    home! I've enjoyed
    catching up; my parent's
    internet was down from
    the moment I arrived
    until late last night,
    when it was up and I
    was able to hit PUBLISH!
    Now I'm having fun
    visiting and seeing what
    I missed. I love your
    new banner!!! So crisp
    yet also cozy and warm.
    I love Elizabeth Berg ~
    one of my faves ~ but
    I agree with you that
    unlike her earlier work,
    her more recent books
    have been predictable : (.
    Hope your week is off
    to a great start!
    xx Suzanne

  3. Beautiful yarn! I haven't read the newest Elizabeth Berg yet. Just finished "Home Safe" and it was a good read but not memorable like her earlier books. I've met her several times and enjoyed a luncheon in her honor several years ago. She is delightful.

    I like your banner. I am nowhere near figuring out how to do something like that. In fact, I'm still trying to figure out how to join in the Tablescape sort of shared blogs.


  4. I love the beautiful shades of lavender in your yarn...and E. Berg is one of my favorite authors! Enjoy your day! I'm visitin' from Brenda's today! ♥
