Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Highlights from Buttermilk Cottage's 2010 Fiber Show

The Holiday Fiber Show here at Buttermilk Cottage was last weekend.
I'll be spotlighting some individual work in the days to come, but for today, here are some highlights from the show.

As you enter the front door.

Knitted baubles!

A study in grays...

Our "check-out" counter.

Knitted, felted and quilted stockings.

View from the entrance into the living room.


Scarves, and

More scarves!

Christmas tree with knitted ornaments.

Jaunty hats!

The dining room table was a focal point of blue items.

Pillows on the window seat.

Quilts and afghans in the bedroom.

Fun jewelry.

More goodies in my office.

My idea board never looked so good!

More knitted purses.

Even the back porch was put to work!
I'm linking to the "All Things Merry & Brite" Party


  1. I am in awe of your many talents! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. Love those pillows on the window seat! And I can never have enough jewelry...
    Hope the holiday show went well!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    xo Cathy

  3. My, the elves at
    B.C. have been very
    busy, indeed! I
    love the handled bags
    on the sofa and the
    purse with the big
    felt flower on the
    front ~ beautiful!!
    I have been channeling
    my inner Susan today
    as my sewing machine
    has been buzzing away.
    Decided to take a quick
    break and see what you've
    been up to. Hope the
    sale was a GREAT success!
    xx Suzanne

  4. Hi, sounds like you had a full house ! I like your projects.
    Don’t miss the give-a-ways, linky party and Bavarian Christmas starting 26 Nov! http://dobermans-by-the-sea.blogspot.com/

  5. Ooh, I would love to come to that holiday show - so many beautiful things!

  6. I am so sorry that I missed it. I had my plans all laid out and then..my house came down with the stomach bug closely followed by strep. Perhaps next year. It looks as though it was a beautiful show.
