Tuesday, December 7, 2010


It's VERY cold in East Tennessee today.
It's the kind of day that makes me glad that I work from home.

There surely is plenty to keep me busy here today.
I always say you can tell how busy I am
by the messiness of my office/studio.
Need I say more?
I'm working on an order for a shop in Michigan
that I hope to ship tomorrow.

...this is where you'll find me all day today.
What are your plans for the day?
Whatever they are, keep warm!


  1. It is cold here in MS too! I saw 25 on the thermometer. I express my thanks on days like this, that I do not have to get out. Enjoyed looking at your creations. Have a great week.

  2. Cold here indeed and the snow plow had to clear the driveway this morning. Such a pretty blue work space! But if that's what you call messy, lol my work space is disastrous! stay warm!
    xo Cathy

  3. So you got the snow. They were saying we might see flurries, but not. Just very cold!

  4. No snow here in Texas but it IS cold! My son posted on Facebook that there is a chance of snow flurries tonight!
