Monday, December 27, 2010

The Cerulean Warbler-Newest Addition to my Collection!

Did you have a nice Christmas?
Mine has been very nice.
I try to view the holiday season
as extending from Thanksgiving to just after New Year's Day,
when I start "putting it all away."
So, I've got another week to go.
My daughter Kate is visiting from NYC
and will be heading back on Wednesday, weather permitting...
She's packed a lot into her time here from a couple
of days in the mountains with high school friends,
a visit back to UT in Knoxville, with college friends and
dividing her time between my house and her dad's.
They had originally planned a few days to Miami to visit with
family, but that got cancelled because of the weather.
She also managed to find time to make her Christmas gift to me!!!
The Cerulean Warbler!!!
A very timely gift since we've both just finished reading
Jonathan Franzen new novel, FREEDOM and
have spent some time this holiday talking to each other about it.

There's A LOT to talk about too!

This is a very big and complex story
about American family life
against the backdrop of ...
of well, American Life
(i.e. 9/11, the environment, the wars we're in now, etc).

At any rate, the cerulean warbler is an important bird in the novel.
Since it has become somewhat of a yearly tradition for
Kate to make me a "Santa riding an animal" ornament,
(you can read about that here)
this year's choice of animal is very special.
I will now always remember this holiday
as the year we discussed
this excellent book.

It turns out the cerulean warbler was an after thought.

I actually got TWO new ornaments this year.
"Santa riding a chicken" was the first one she made,
then, as a result of our book discussions,
Kate got an inspiration and made the second one!

I am one lucky Mom!

And, life IS good!

I'm linking with My Romantic Home, for Show & Tell Friday.


  1. Looks like Santa doesn't need a sleigh afterall!

  2. Another two! to add to your cherished collection! Enjoy the rest of the visit!
    xo Cathy

  3. I collect Santas, and I must admit, I want one!! Love your newest addition...both just great tho. Wow.

    My Show n Tell Link---where it's kinda fodder for the National Enquirer Tabloids. Do stop by if you can, I'd love your opinion.

    Happy New Year

  4. Don't you love a handmade gift? Those ornaments are simply adorable - happy new year!
