Saturday, January 22, 2011

Off to a Lovely Start!

What a lovely surprise I got this morning!
Sipping on my first cup of coffee
and catching up on my blog reading...
WHOA....what's that???

has awarded me
The Stylish Blogger Award!!!
I must make mention that this
is extra special to me because
My Notting Hill is the first
blog I ever discovered and read regularly!
So, thank you so much My Notting Hill!
In the spirit of this award I am to tell you
seven things about myself:
1. I love the color combination of red, blue & yellow.
2. I cook one day a month at Meals on Wheels.
3. Owning Buttermilk Cottage is one of my life's greatest satisfactions.
4. My daughter Kate is the sunshine of my life.
5. My best friend is my sister, Nanniepannie
6. Listening to a recorded book and knitting is my idea of multi tasking.
7. I can never have too much yarn or fabric.
The second responsibility of this lovely award
is to pass it on to
ten of my favorite blogs,
all of whom you'd enjoy knowing!
Hope every one's weekend is
off to as lovely a start
as mine has been!


  1. So nice of you to include me in this list of wonderful bloggers. Thanks!! :-)

  2. AWWW....Thank you, sweet Susan!
    I feel very blessed to be
    included among these gorgeous
    blogs. You have been a joy to
    know through this virtual world.
    Coming to your cottage is like
    a nice cup of tea; warm and soothing.
    And believe me, that is JUST
    what I need today, as we are
    experiencing sub-zero temps!
    Big hugs to you....
    xx Suzanne

  3. I feel so honored to accept this award (in my stylish pajamas! :)

  4. Thank you Susan for the recognition-it really does put a big smile on face, Love it. Thank you again.


  5. Susan,

    Congratulations on your Award. I always knew there was something special about your site. All the thought you put into it shows. Way to Go!
