Saturday, June 4, 2011

Musings on the Occasion of my 61st Birthday...

There, I've said it.
I've let it go for everyone to see.
It SOUNDS so old...
I still think of myself in terms of being
about "forty" something.
(Didn't I just hear that 60 is the new 40???)
I thought long and hard about saying it
out loud to all of you.
What would you think?
"Is she THAT old???"
Yep, I'm afraid so.
I sometimes catch a glimpse of myself
in the mirror and think,
"Yikes! How did THAT happen?"

IT happened while I raised my daughter Kate,
who is now twenty three, a grown-up girl herself
and the brightest and best thing in my life.
Well done, Susan!

IT happened while I was creating, nurturing
 and building a business...which I'm still
creating, nurturing and building.
I work at it almost every day in some manner,
from sitting at my computer and tweaking my Etsy shop,
sitting at my sewing machine stitching up
bags and needle cases, or
sitting, somewhere, and knitting.
(All that sitting...THAT'S what happened
to my girlish figure!)
I work at it by packing up orders,
sending out notes and overdue invoices,
shopping for fabric (a favorite past time),
and making endless trips to the UPS and post office.
I'm constantly working at it when I face too many
unfinished projects that were started with
boundless enthusiasm, but lost
their steam somewhere.
In spite of it all, I'm an entrepreneur at heart
and I am blessed to be able to say,
"I love my job!"

IT happened during a thirty-plus year marriage,
that despite my best effort,
was not able to survive.
Many good years, some dark days
and then lots of reinventions pretty
much sums that up.
A friend told me at the time not to
view the divorce as a failure, but
rather as an opportunity for growth.
This is wisdom as good as gold,
which I abundantly pass out to
anyone who happens to need it.

IT happened when I bought Buttermilk Cottage,
the house.
This was probably one of the most
empowering events of my life.
The bones of the house were excellent,
but it needed an addition of an office and bathroom
and a complete kitchen do over.
Luckily, I was able to throw myself into it
right after my divorce and I'm pretty
sure it saved my sanity and proved
to me I have "can do" abilities.
You go girl/Susan!

IT happened while spending time with family...

...and friends, all of whom are more dear to me
than they can ever imagine.

IT happened during countless hours in
the kitchen cooking
ordinary meals, holiday meals,
and meals for neighbors and friends.

IT happened during hours of reading/listening
to books,
which enrich my life everyday.
IT happened while sitting and sharing
a cup of coffee, (or a glass of wine) with
my sister and best friend, Nancy.
IT happened while walking Daisy,
and running errands,
 watching too much junk TV,
and working too many crossword puzzles.
IT happened while creating a blog and
getting inspiration from everyone else's blog.


So, now for the important stuff...
What do I want for my birthday???
It has taken me 61 years,
but I know without a doubt
that I don't need any more "things"  in my life.
What I do want is

Hope everyone has an outstanding weekend!
Mine will probably fly by much too quickly!


  1. Happy Birthday to you!!!
    I can only hope that when I turn 60 (in 11 years) that I'll be able to say I have accomplished all that you have! I just recently heard that 50 is the new 60 has to be the new 40!
    Hope you had a great day!

  2. You're such a special person...I'm so glad I have been able to spend many of those 61 years with you. You are my sister, friend and role model. I love you, happy birthday.

  3. Happy, happy birthday to you! I so agree with you on all that you wrote in your post, it's all so true! I too went thur a divorce in my 40's and it showed me that I was strong something I didn't know I had in me at the time. I turned 60 (still can't believe it) this past April and when I woke up that morning I thought "oh, no I'm 60!!! Then I thought of all the ones who never made it to that age and thought "How blessed I am". So happy birthday, the 60's are the new 40's:)


  4. Oh how blessed you are to see this one too! I reached 62 just a few months ago and still feel as I did in my forties, with the exception of a few aches, pains, bumps and bruises. LOL! You are a beautiful woman and aging gracefully! Many Hugs! LOVE YOU!

  5. Happy Happy Birthday. I truly enjoyed your post today. Your not old far from it. Add about 9 years to that and that is what I will be my birthday. You can do a lot of things if you set your mind to it, things that you never thought you would have to do. Your post shows that you have definitey accomplished that. Enjoy your day. Your Missouri Friend.

  6. It's YOUR special, special day-
    So we all shout "Hurray"!

    Life is good. May you celebrate many more. ♥♫

  7. I am 60 and will turn 61 in a few months. Wow, that number mademe feel really old. Then I thought back when I was 20 years younger and was diagnosed with cancer.
    All I wanted was to see my grandkids someday. I have 6 now. So I will keep on loving my borrowed time.
    It does sneak upon us. I feel mentally like 40, hah. Physically not so much.
    When the frist picture came up, I thought, you have to be kidding me. 60 and to look like that.
    So go forth my friend. Enjoy your day and many more. (((((HUGS))))

  8. Happy Birthday Susan and wishing you many, many more! You have so much to be proud of and so many more fun things ahead!
    xo Cathy

  9. Happy, Happy Birthday, Susan!! I do so hope this comment makes it through! I keep getting booted off!

    I LOVE your post... a commentary on a well-lived life with intentions for more adventures to come!! Many, many blessings for you this coming year, Susan. I would so love to join your group in that sunroom shot! Looks like perfect company to enjoy life with! Have a wonderful year! tanna

  10. Happy Birthday, Susan! I loved this post and your musings about your life so far. Some wise words here! Here's to a wonderful new year ahead. :-)

  11. What a beautiful post. Happy Birthday to you!


  12. Great post!! Happy Birthday!!

  13. Susan, I think this is my favorite post of yours - of all time! Happy, happy birthday!!!! The number isn't as important as the way you're using them. And, you have done a magnificent job of using yours to the fullest.

    My sweet mom is putting her life back together after my parents split after 44 years. I know it has not been easy. But, she, like you is showing amazing resilience. I think women really are strong.....I know you are!

    Enjoy every minute of 61!!!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  14. Happy Birthday! I love how you recount your life as "It happened while..." I will be 63 in October, and like you, I wonder how it happened. I certainly don't feel old, unless I think about the aches and pains that seem to be springing up. Otherwise, I still feel like I'm in my late 30s--or even younger some days! I love reading your blog, and I'm so happy that you share your life with us.

  15. Happy Birthday. I love how you celebrate how it happened.


  16. Happy birthday. What a wonderful post. I think I am really going to enjoy your blog, thus I am your newest follower.
    Please visit me if you get a chance at my new blog, Ric Rac and Polka Dots. I'm brand new, but I have lots of fun projects planned! Hope to see you there!

  17. In all this end
    of school hoopla,
    Happy, happy birthday!
    Yes, I whole-heartedly
    agree, TIME is what
    I crave the most. I
    hope you receive it
    abundantly for your
    birthday and the year
    to come. You are such
    a special person, Susan,
    and I'm sure all those
    who are in your life
    feel the same!
    xx Suzanne
