Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An Animal Candlesticks Collection

The whimsical appeals to me.
Years ago I saw this goofy little
frog candlestick in a catalogue and for
some reason I HAD to have it.
Thus began my collection of
animal candlesticks.

The second animal to join the
collection was this little squirrel.
I remember the day,
probably 25 years ago, or more,
my sister and I were fun shopping,
(as opposed to necessity shopping),
and again, as soon as I saw it,
it had my name on it.

Two of my favorites are this dog...

and kitty with her teacup.
They usually hang out together.

I have another kitty...

and other frogs.

Frog candlesticks must be popular
because they seem plentiful.

When I became enamored with the
Country French style of decorating
I was delighted to find this rooster.

For some reason, when the weather turns cold,
I like to bring out this little bear.
He just looks cozy to me.
I also like that his candle is
in a bit of honeycomb.

I like the spirit of cooperation of these two guys.

This studious fellow lives on the bookcase...

...along with these two.

At Thanksgiving,
one of my favorite sets...

come out to grace either
the mantle or table.
They're  somewhat fragile,
because they're made from
real pine cones.

Easter is also a great time to bring out
parts of this collection.

Animal candlesticks are one of several
collections I have.
I also collect sheep,
a natural for someone who
works with wool.
Unfortunately, in all my searching,
I've yet to find a sheep candlestick!
But that's the fun of collecting.
It gives you something to keep an eye out for,
never knowing when you'll find
another of "your" pieces.

Bye, bye!

This week I'm linking up with
 Privet & Holly for the Collection Show-n-Tell
Savvy Southern Style for Wow Us Wednesday
French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday
My Romantic Home for Show & Tell Friday


  1. Susan, what a cute collection. I love the dog one. I have the little single mouse one in solid brass. I have had it forever.

  2. I think this is the
    cutest and most unique
    collection I've ever
    seen. I love the bunnies
    holding hands and the
    bear...and my son collects
    frogs, so I love those,
    too. Well, I love them
    all, most especially because
    the are so YOU. Thanks
    for being part of my first
    party and letting us have
    a peek in your window : )
    xx Suzanne

  3. What a great collection! So unique! They are all so cute!!! My fave is the bunnies...Christine

  4. Love these! I have a bunny, fox and mouse.
    xo Cathy

  5. What a fun collection...pure whimsy! Hopped over from Privet and Holly!

  6. THIS is why I love blogging ... If I hadn't come here from Suzanne's, I never would have had any idea that there is so much variety in animal candlesticks. Your collection is totally amazing!!

  7. I had NO IDEA there were so many wonderful, wonderful animal candlesticks!! Susan, your collection is a delight! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Have a great day! blessings ~ tanna

  8. How sweet, cute, charming, and delightful they are. The cat is my favorite!

  9. That is what is so neat about collections, they can be so unique. A great collection! I'm sharing mine on Wednesday.

  10. This is such a happy collection. I love the mice and the bunnies holding hands. Adorable! I can see why you collect them!

  11. It's amazing what people collect. I love these. They are adorable. I've never paid attention when out shopping for those, but I will now. I'm partial to the dog. Debi

  12. so adorable! have you seen the animal tapers on sale at anthropologie.com? they're modern but they made me smile!

    visiting from suzanne's party.


  13. What a unique collection. Such personality in each one.

  14. LOVE this collection - those 2 bunnies holding hands are TOO CUTE!

    I've popped over from Suzannne's link up.

  15. I have never seen anything like these . . . delightful collection.

    I am coming over from Suzanne's at Privet and Holly.

    Glenda (link #27)

  16. What a whimsical and delighting collection! You have a very unique collection!

    Hope you will please drop by and enter my $50 Overstock.com Gift Card Giveaway!! If there are 500 entries, they will increase the Gift Card to $100.

  17. What a fun collection. I particularly love those two little mice. I have never have seen a collection like this and think it must be fabulous when all those
    candles are lit...kind of like disney's light parade!


  18. What a wonderful collection! The dog is my favorite.
