Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Entrelac Hats!

One of my favorite blogs to visit is
Its writer, Tanna and I have become
virtual friends.
We share our passions for knitting
and our bungalow houses.
In fact, Tanna's icon of her house when she left a comment
for someone else blog is what first caught my eye.
It reminded me a lot of my house.

We often seem to be on similiar paths.
Earlier this month she did a blog post on entrelac hats,
which you can read here .
It just so happened I was knitting entrelac hats too!

 Entrelac is a knitting stitch which gives a woven look to the finished piece.

It's fun to use more than one color to define the woven effect.
On this hat, I'm using a solid teal wool from my stash
and Brown Sheep's Handpaint
which is a space dyed mohair and wool,
one of my favorite yarns.

How about a poinsettia hat for the holidays?


  1. Oh, my goodness, Susan!! I LOVE your hats!! Aren't they just the funnest (not a word) things to knit!! I just finished another one last night in Noro's Silk Garden (not as fancy as figuring the colors out on my own). I do love to see how the colors work themselves out and the way each row goes faster and faster! Woo hoo! And, yes... it was the Buttermilk Cottage that caught my eye, too. ;) Obviously there are certain traits a woman who loves such homes might have... just sayin'... yarn addiction issues for one... LOL! So glad we found each other. Thank you so much for the mention in your post. blessings ~ tanna

  2. Everything you do is so beautiful!!

  3. Pretty, pretty hats! Love the colors together.

  4. I love the poinsettia hat!

  5. This is so impressive. So much so that I'd say it's downright intimidating!! :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  6. Entralac- just saying the word scares me to death!! The hats are totally beautiful- I'm so impressed!! I'm thinking I'm not in your league at all- I don't have a clue how to do that-- maybe someday- (lol!)

    Susan- they are fabulous!

  7. Those hats are GORGEOUS!!! I stopped by, somehow.... from a link, thru a link.... and it led me to you. Wonderful hats. I wish I had that talent!
