Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Today is my upstairs neighbor's birthday!
Is there anything better than a good neighbor?

Perhaps, your "BFF" is a bit better.
It's her birthday today too!
Best friends are...
well...the best!
Except maybe...

Sisters are the VERY best.
And, it's HER birthday too!
Best of all is when all three are the same!
Happy Birthday, Nanniepannie!
(It'd be great if you'd hop over and
give here a birthday greeting!)

Now I'm off to make her traditional
birthday carrot cake.
You can find the recipe here.

Happy weekend everyone!


  1. Happy Happy Birthday to EVERYONE! I think EWE have a few BFF's!!! And that first cupcake is the CAT'S MEOW! Okay..I am quitting now and will pop by good old NanniePannies~ xo Diana

  2. So many birthdays and happy birthday to them all. Don't eat too much of that birthday cake, though it sure looks yummy!

  3. Yummy! I love carrot cake!

    Off to wish your sis a happy day. :)

  4. haahhhaaa, cute post. HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY to your "upstairs neighbor..bbf and....OH, the one and only neighbor, bbf and SIS.:))
    I am pretty much going to have to make a carrot cake ....and....soon! Also might have to have a pink's so cute.
