Friday, November 11, 2011

Absent but not Idle!

Do you ever feel as though you're in a race with the clock?
As though there are not enough hours in the day,
for all the things
you need to do,
want to do?
That's my life right now.

Nancy and I are working diligently getting ready
for our upcoming Holiday Show.
One week from today is our Preview Party. (tick, tock...)
I've been frantically trying to finish up last minute projects,
organize things,
inventory and price items.
As a result, the disorder in my house is beginning to
strain my comfort level.
(Have I ever told you I'm a bit of a control freak?)

I almost can't stand to go into my office/sewing room.
As a result, some things are being ignored.
My little blog has been sadly neglected lately.
And it's been ages since I've "gone visiting!"

I have been accomplishing some things though.
The invitations are in the mail...
I have just sent off a large wholesale order of really cute bags

to Yarn Expressions in Huntsville, Alabama.

And I've completed lots of cute little sheep ornaments

made from "up cycled" felted sweaters.

What's on your "to do" list today"
Mine is a mile long.
I keep reminding myself to
"enjoy the journey."
 You enjoy the weekend!


  1. Girl, I hear you!!! And, I can see you have been busy as a bee! Hope things settle down for both of us.... soon! {hugs} tanna
    PS ALL of your projects are wonderful!! Your busy time has been well spent.

  2. You have been busy! I agree with Tanna--love projects. Ignore the messy workplace--out of chaos has come beauty.


  3. Oh- you are a busy girl. I have not been busy with things but I have been anxiously awaiting word that my daughter is in labor. She's about 100 miles away so I don't dare go far!

    Your purses and ornaments are lovely! I love them-and I hope you sell a ton of stuff! xo Diana

  4. Definitely busy over there!

    Gosh I love those sheep.

  5. Good luck with your show.
    Your sheep are so adorable.
    xo bj

  6. LOVE the bags! Hope you SELL SELL SELL!!!!

  7. I saw an ironing board in one of your photos. I haven't used one of those in years!! Hope your show is a huge success.
