Monday, November 28, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

Did you hear about the $42 million dollars this movie earned this past weekend?
$15.00 of it was my money.
My daughter Kate was home for the Thanksgiving weekend
and like many other Americans, we went to the movies.
I'm afraid we both enjoy deriding the TWILIGHT SAGA,
(books and movies),
but we were right there with everyone else
to see the latest installment.
I only made it through the first book, but Kate has
read them all and enjoys telling me the many ways
the books fail as well written books.
She scoffs at the movies and
takes the attitude she's only seeing them
to give her poor old Mom someone to go with.
I myself have enjoyed the movies.
They are what they are.
Pure entertainment and fantasy.
Since I haven't read past the first book,
it's all an unfolding story to me.
And, if nothing else,
sitting and watching such pretty people,
vampires and werewolves not withstanding,
is a fun way to spend a couple of hours. 


  1. Okay, I'll come clean...They got $34.00 of my money. I treated my two adult daughters to the matinee showing! lol

  2. Haven't seen the movie, but yes, I have read all the books. Nothing wrong with just fun!
    xo Cathy

  3. It is so fun hearing about the money! $42 mil and your $15...some would say that's peanuts,
    maybe, but to us...that's a significant amount to give away!I love your post. Have a happy week. Hugs

  4. How lovely to have your daughter home for the holiday! I've not read the books or seen any of the movies but might just order up one or two to enjoy on a snowy day.


  5. I love going to the movies any movie, I just like the large screen and making an event out of a movie - such fun!

  6. I confess... I've read them all. Actually, couldn't stop myself once I got past the first one! LOL! Haven't seen this movie though. Glad you and Kate had a fun time! blessings ~ tanna

  7. O, I think the movies are so much fun. I haven't seen the latest one but the others, I enjoyed with my grandgirls...that makes it all the better. :))
