Friday, January 13, 2012

View from My Window Today

We had our first snow fall last night.
And although it wasn't a lot of snow,
it's a bitter cold, with a howling wind blowing,
kind of day.
And, they're saying on the news there's black ice.
I can attest to that.
When I took Daisy out for her first walk this morning,
it was too slippery to walk on the sidewalk.

It's a good day for staying inside and
maybe doing a little photo shoot.

Maybe, just maybe it would also be a good day to
tidy up a little.

I'll probably just spend my time knitting.
This is my current project,
a Fusion Yarn scarf in "Plum Pudding" colorway.
Whatever you're doing today,
have a nice one!


  1. I am lucky enough to be spending the day with my 5 year old granddaughter, SweetCheeks. I am smiling from ear to ear. Have a nice day knitting and "playing inside". xo Diana

  2. Your studio looks like my office! If we waited to clean first, we would never have our photo shoots! lol!

    Have a wonderful day. I am using my energy to stay warm. We got the snow and freezing temps yesterday!


  3. And what a beautiful view it IS!!!

  4. Love all of your blues and purples! Little Man would be so excited in your office because everything would "match" (his favorite thing to do right now) Blue Speed (the little Lightening McQueen that accompanies him EVERYWHERE). Enjoy this view over the weekend and stay warm! blessings ~ tanna
    ps love the pop up comment box!

  5. Looks like you have about as much snow as we do. (I just peeked out and it appears to be trying to snow again).

    Stay warm!

  6. A very pretty view from your window. I love the pop of color in your outdoor furniture.
    It's definitely a day to stay indoors and do something creative. The yarn colors are absolutely beautiful! Now I'm off to do some sewing myself. :)

  7. Hi Susan,
    I Love the shade of blue in your office...its so cheery and happy.
    I've been crocheting a baby blanket for one of my nieces. Also working on a few projects around the house.
    I love the colors of your plum pudding scarf (so pretty)
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  8. I hope you've
    had a cozy week,
    Susan! Love your
    turquoise furniture
    out in the snow : )
    And your lovely
    purple scarf, too!

    xx Suzanne

  9. Hi Susan-
    I love days when the weather provides the perfect excuse to stay put inside! As much as I too need to tidy up- its hard to resist the temptation to cozy up and knit. Your purple scarf is fabulous!

  10. Hi Susan, Thank you for sharing your pictures of the snow. I like that the best without having to drive in it. Your scarf is one of my favorite colors. I love shades of purple. Stay warm and enjoy your weekend. Your Missouri Friend.

  11. Your workplace looks fabulous, and I think you've been busy. Don't you just love it when you see snow falling beyond your windows? It is such a relaxing sight.

    Anthony Blommel
