Friday, February 10, 2012

The Geek Squad...

...was here on Wednesday.
Have you ever used them?
My experience was a good one
and I wouldn't hesitate to call upon them again.

This was a Christmas present.
I managed to connect it up to my television,
but my attempts to connect it to the Internet
for "streaming" purposes were hopeless.
(I make NO claims at being a geek.)
They had me at the front door,
when two young guys arrived
and slipped on their booties to cover their shoes.
(Who does that???)
In a matter of time everything was connected
and I was good to go.
It was funny that both of them couldn't
get over how "small" my television is.
(I didn't tell them the set they were working on,
 IS my big TV!)
Seems the "bigger the better" is the current way
to choose a new set.
They assured me when I was ready to get a new (big) one,
they'd come back and set it up.

What are your plans for the weekend?
Maybe I'll watch a movie or two...

By the way, thank you Rick and Terry for
your lovely Christmas gift!


  1. Oh my goodness, I am so happy you had some help. If I didn't have children to help me with this stuff I would be totally lost, sitting in my home with no connection to the outside world. I told my youngest son, who still lives with us, that he can never leave home! Enjoy your tv!

  2. Susan- I've never used the Geek boys- but I have friend's that have and I've heard only wonderful things about them. I'm totally not good with technical stuff-- it's good to know that these little guys are so great!


  3. Glad to hear you had some help! I`ve never used the Geek Squad but do have a local fellow who is really good and very moderately priced that handles my problems.

  4. We used the Geek Squad for awhile and now we are using a similar company called Tech Squad that my hubby found. We have so many problems with our computer connections, it seems they are here all the time. Nice people though.

    What a wonderful gift!


  5. I have not used them because I have my own GEEK but I have heard wonderful things about their service. xo Diana

  6. They make it look so easy!! LOL! Glad you are going to enjoy it this weekend! blessings ~ tanna

  7. We have used the Geek Squad for our computers. Have a yearly membership as a matter of fact. We made two appointments for them to come out and do things but figured it out ourselves and cancelled them. We cried UNCLE at the 'Google TV' thing we bought. Even hooked up it was over our head in how to use it. We are NOT that high tech!!

    It rained here in Houston but the clouds have cleared and the sun came out.

    Have a good weekend! Enjoy that TV!!

  8. I'm so with you on this! My largest new-fangled t.v. flat screen whatever, is 19". I have 2 of them, one that used to be upstairs in the guest room that I finally moved down here to the family room when I set up a laptop work station behind the sofa, and the other one sits on top of the mantle in the livng room, where I often work in the summer because it faces north and east and is the coolest room in the house with its ceiling that rises all the way to the second floor. I have an "antique" 27" tube t.v. in the family room that one of my brothers-in-law somehow managed to WEDGE into my now nearly "vintage" entertainment center (purchased in 1986; t.v. in 2003) that is hooked up to a DVD/CD player. It will stay that way probably until I die, or marry a techy. I'll probably die first. So now I watch DVDs and VHS videos (yes, I have a collection of those, actually) on it from time to time. The little 19" Dynex flat screen is for watching network t.v. (no cable or satellite hook-ups in this household). I enjoy watching SMASH on NBC on my little 19" flat screen just as much as if I were watching it on a gigantic screen - and the resolution is much better :) The adage that "small is beautiful" still holds true at Maison Newton. Bigger is NOT always better.
