Sunday, April 22, 2012

Working Diligently... get ready for our booth set up on Wednesday!

We've been organizing, pricing and packing
for the past week.

Just about ready now for our opening of
The Gift Cupboard at Buttermilk Cottage!
(Located in the Corner Nest, Elizabethan, TN.)


  1. Oh my, Nana Diana would love those red glasses. I think she has a small collection. Good luck with your booth sales. Smiles, Susie

  2. A visit there is now officially on my 'Bucket List.' Best wishes for a GRAND opening!

  3. wish I lived closer! Best wishes, I can't wait to hear more...

  4. Oh, I'd love to be close enough to visit!! ;) Best of luck with this endeavor! blessings ~ Tanna
