Sunday, September 30, 2012

Making "Pinky"

This is "Pinky."
You can read her story here.

I recently received a shop order for some "Pinky" kits.
The first step in filling the order is printing the pattern.

Next  I wind many little balls of yarn.
First, pink...

...then the gray for Pinky's head and legs.

Each kit also contains pink ribbons,
one thin length for hanging the model,
and another for Pinky's iconic pink ribbon.

Assembling all the components in bags is the final step.

All the finished kits, soon to be on their way,
and hopefully in the hands of many knitters,
who with their knitting of "Pinky"
will help spread the word.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

From My Book Shelf -- GONE GIRL

GONE GIRL is the red hot book right now
 and has been for several weeks.
It is  Number One on the
Indie Bestseller List this week.
It has received excellent critical acclaim
for it's first time author, Gillian Flynn.

The story is narrated, in turn
by it's two main characters,
Amy and Nick, giving the reader
two totally different points of view
and the dilemma of who to believe.

The story begins on their fifth year
wedding anniversary when
Amy goes missing.
Amy's narrative is from the perspective of
a journal she has kept for several years.

There are clever plot twists here.
When I started Part Two of the book
I was totally taken by surprise at
the direction it takes.
I won't share what it is because it's
such an interesting turn.

Part One is good,
Part Two blew me away.

However, the book becomes
totally unbelievable by the time you
get to Part Three and I found it to be a
real weakness.
I kept hoping for one more clever twist
that would make the story, as a whole,
equal to it's Part Two.
It didn't happen.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Fettuccine with Zucchini and Mushrooms

There's a definite nip in the air in East Tennessee.
It's time once again to change from all those wonderful
cold pasta salads,
to hardier, hot pasta dishes.
I have been making this dish for
 more than 25 years.
It's a "keeper."
The recipe came from GOURMET Magazine.
(The magazine may not still be around,
but plenty of their recipes are!)


This is a simple recipe, requiring few ingredients.

In a large deep skillet saute 1/2 pound mushrooms,
trimmed and thinly sliced,
in 1/2 stick butter, over moderately high heat
for two minutes.

Add 1 1/4 pound zucchini,
scrubbed and cut into
julienne stripes,

1 cup heavy cream, and
1/2 stick butter, cut into bits.

Bring the liquid to a boil
and simmer it for three minutes.
(The mushrroms and zucchini are
cooking in butter and cream...
that should give you some indication
of how this dish will taste.
I have actually cut back on the
butter called for in the orginal recipe!)

Add one pound, cooked al dente and drained
fettuccine with 1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese and
1/2 cup chopped flat leafed parsley,
and toss the mixtures with wooden forks,
lifting the pasta and combining the mixture well.

Transfer the mixture to a heated platter and serve it
with additional freshly grated
Parmesan cheese.
Serves 6

Let me just say, this dish is
extremely rich.
So, serve it with a big side salad
and maybe you won't feel so guilty
when you indulge.

This week I am linking with
Tasty Tuesday at 33 Shades of Green
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum

Friday, September 14, 2012

My Newest Creations!

Last time I told you I had recently purchased
lots of scarves and was working
on a new project.

I'm knitting cowls,
my newest passion
and lining them with pretty scarves!

This results in a totally reversible neck warmer.

You can wear it with the scarf against your neck.
(Some of my cowls are lined with cashmere
and feel incredible against your neck.)

Or, you can wear it with the hand knitted side against
your neck, for a really cozy feel,
and a pretty plaid scarf around your neck.

In addition to the cashmere scarves,
I'm also using  some pretty
faux silk ones.

I'm using the scarf as my inspiration for the yarn
and designing the FUSION Yarn to perfectly
coordinate with the scarf.

I've just listed some in
my Etsy shop this morning
and have plans to add more
and more as the holiday season approaches.
Stop in and have a look!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cashmere and Other Scarves

Last Sunday, Nancy and I made a trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee.

It's only about a two hour drive from our house.
We attend the Norton Apparel, Jewelry & Gift Market
at least once a year.
This market is held four times during the year.
It's a "trade only" wholesale show and you must have
a business license to attend.
It's mainly a cash and carry show for
jewelry (costume to high end), handbags, apparel
and some gift items.
I'm always on the look out for things for our

I've been working on a new knitted item
for my Etsy shop
and was in the market for scarves.
I came home with some gorgeous ones!
The "finds" for the day were the cashmere ones above.

I also got a nice selection of
"faux" silk scarves.
I'm very excited about my new project
for these scarves.
I'll be sharing on Friday,
so be sure to visit back then!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Totally Exhausted...It's a Good Thing

Another neighborhood yard sale and
"Bistro on the Porch"
has been put to rest.
We had a very busy weekend and
I am totally exhausted today.

While I have been baking and freezing for weeks
(LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my new freezer),
final preparations the past few days have been intense.

While Nancy set up and manned the yard sale on Friday,

I spent most of the day in the kitchen.
The biggest job was making
homemade chicken salad sandwiches.
Eighty of them -- sold out by the way!

This was our fourth year for the Bistro on the Porch
and we pretty much have it down to an art.

We weren't quite sure what to expect this year.
Weather predictions on Saturday
were for 70% chance of thunderstorms.

Since most of the work had been done by then
we pretty much had to proceed and hope for the best.

We were ready for business by sunrise on Saturday morning.
Can you see the crowd heading our way?

We must be living right because...

except for a few early sprinkles,

the rain held off until the very end
and the crowds were great!

You can't really tell from this picture,
but it was taken within a half hour of the end
and it was POURING down rain.

Everything has now been put away,
back in order,
and another yearly event has
been put to bed!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Peacable Kingdom...Really?

Google Images

This year, I've had...
Mice in the Basement
Ants in the Kitchen
Rabbits in the Yard
and this morning
Raccoons on the Roof.
Three of them.
Enough already with the critters.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Artist Cristina Jaco

I made a lovely discovery this weekend on Etsy.
Artist Cristina Jaco is from Brazil and has
some beautiful things listed in her Etsy Shop.
Contemporary Brazilian art and
graphic design services are her specialties.
Above is, "Down the River," an example
of her oil paintings.

 She also does watercolors,
and  acrylics.

Cristina has just designed a new shop banner for me!
I love the clean look of it and the color.
I consider the new banner my effort toward a
little "remodel" of my Etsy shop,
just in time for the holiday season.
I've been knitting and sewing like crazy all summer and have
lots of new items which I will be adding to my shop
over the next few weeks.

Please check out Cristina's lovely work.
I think you'll find it as beautiful as I do!

Monday, September 3, 2012


When Chaos came to live with us at Buttermilk Cottage last May,
he brought two large pillows with him.
We keep one upstairs and one downstairs for him.
Daisy however has decided she likes the pillows too,
so it's become first come, first serve.
After this morning's walk,
Chaos claimed his spot in my bedroom.
Daisy was at a loss because she wanted the same spot.
At one point, I noticed she was sitting restlessly nearby.
The next time I took notice,
she had, for the first time ever, joined Chaos on his pillow.
Old gentleman that he is,
he graciously shared with her.