Friday, February 1, 2013

What's in a Name?

I'm sometimes asked,
"Why Buttermilk Cottage?"
"Where did that come from?"

The house I lived in before moving here
was the polar opposite of where I live today.
It was a large contemporary house
perched on the side of a hill.
It was a wonderful house
with an even more wonderful view.
My then-husband and I had worked with
an architect to design it.
We had it built, doing a lot of the work ourselves.
That house was situated in the country on "Buttermilk Road."

During that time, more than 20 years ago,
 I started my wholesale bag business,
and since it was a home-based business,
it became,
"Designs from the House on Buttermilk Road."
Over the years the business grew and
as is often the case, my life situation changed.
When it was time for me to downsize and move,
I was by no means ready to end my business.
My customers all knew me by the Buttermilk Road name.
So, when I moved here, I needed to keep a bit of
my business's name recognition.
Therefore its name had a small change and it became
"Buttermilk Cottage."
Since the house seemed to need a name too,
it happily became Buttermilk Cottage as well.
Because Nancy and I do several events during the year,
(i.e. the Bistro on the Porch and the Holiday Show),
the house's name has almost taken on a life of it's own.

I'm giving you this lengthy explanation because
I have several new followers as a result of
the "Grow Your Blog" Party hosted by
Vickie at Two Bags Full.
Several blogs taking part in that event
are hosting giveaways today.
Me included!

This morning, the names of all those
who left comments for me
on the party post were put in the pot...

Every name was assigned a number or letter and

Number 16 is the winner...
Evalina at "This and That."
Congratulations... I'll be in touch.
To everyone who participated,
visited, left comments and joined as new followers,
and especially Vickie for organizing the whole thing,
Thank You!

A note about the cataract surgery yesterday,
my vision is still a bit blurry today.
I go back this morning for a follow up,
but I anticipate a good report!
Thanks for all your nice thoughts!
Happiest of weekends!


  1. Glad your surgery went well! I love the name and always wondered where it came from. Love the story!!

    Congrats to the winner! xo Diana

  2. Makes me think of the old song Buttermilk Sky!

    You are doing well to even write a post today. Take care and don't skip the eye drops!

  3. Good thoughts sent your way about the success of your cataract surgery! I know someday I will be there myself. Thanks for sharing about your the derivation of your blogging name. I love hearing the details of how something came to be! And it's such a wonderful story!
