Saturday, March 16, 2013

My "Eureka" Moment!

I have a nice collection of ceramic, blue and white balls.
Other than decorative, I'm not sure what their purpose is.
I've heard them called "carpet" balls, but not sure why.
(If anyone knows anything about them, I'd love to hear.)
At any rate, other than gracing a wooden bowl,
I've been unsure where to use them.

Until now!
I have been collecting animal candlesticks for many years.
However, I rarely burn candles.
They belong together!

This little guy sits on my kitchen window sill.

These are two of my favorites.

The balls work great on "regular" candlesticks too.

I did decide however, in homage to the season,
the bunnies were better suited to colored eggs!

Have you had an "eureka" moment lately?

Join me at the
Open House Party at "No Minimalist Here"
Anything Blue Friday at The Dedicated House


  1. I love the candlestick display idea, Susan... I guess you could adapt it to many themes. BTW, "carpet bowling" was a Victorian rage which is apparently still enjoyed (where else?) in the South of England. I believe the idea was to enjoy a physical sport without the inconvenience of being outdoors on the lawn. Those balls are quite lovely and I think I may steal some of those designs for polymer clay!

  2. What a lovely display! Love the blue-n-white balls...they are pretty in this setting! Hugs, Loretta

  3. They were used to play an indoor game on the lawn bowling. Don't ask me how I know this...I just do. Yours are so pretty being used on candlesticks. What a clever thing.You have quite a nice collection of candlesticks.

  4. Oh- I love those carpet balls. I do know what they were used for. Do you know the game of Bolles (or some call it Bowls)? They were used so that children could play Bolles inside on the carpet during the winter and they rolled them rather than threw them. Aren't they beautiful? Some of the antique ones are painted with flowers, etc. I am particularly fond of the blue and white ones myself- xo Diana

  5. No Eureka moments here but I love yours! Those blues in the balls and your vases and other porcelain pieces just cannot be beat.

  6. Oh, I LOVE that froggy gentleman!!! :)

  7. I have those moments all.the.time.
    Sometimes I wish they would STOP! So does Louis Dean!
    I love yours!!!

  8. Fantastic idea...I'm off to steal it right away! (but I'll give you credit!)

  9. What a great long as you don't live in earthquake!

  10. What a nice collection of candle sticks - I don't think I've ever seen an animal candlestick in my journeys, hmmm ;D ! Definitely a great aha moment... sorry I can't help with the historical use of the "carpet balls". I will be checking back to see if someone knows because of course now you have piqued my curiosity! LOL!
    Thanks for sharing ...
    Beth P

  11. What a great idea.
    As I was reading I was thinking it would be a good idea with Easter eggs and then I scrolled down and you'd already thought of that. HaHa! : )

  12. I haven't had a Eureka moment lately, but yours is great! I love your blue and white balls, and I also love your collection of candle sticks. Great decorating ideas!

  13. Love those blue and white balls. You've arranged them so lovely.

    As for "eureka" moments, oh, yes. I have them all the time. They go something like, "So THAT'S what I came in the kitchen for."

  14. What a great idea! I am visiting you via No Minimalist Here. I would love for you to stop by My Dream Canvas. I am hosting a Giveaway for my blog's birthday. Please join in if you like it :)

  15. That IS a eureka moment! What a great combo! I have one of these balls and didn't know what they were called. I'm heading out to put it on a candle stick! Hope you can stop by the enchanted oven.

  16. I love all of your blue and white! You are one of the features today at the Anything Blue Friday party at The Dedicated House. Pop on over and grab a feature button. Hope to see you again at the blue soiree. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  17. Good Afternoon Susan, I see someone has told you the origin of the balls, so I will not repeat them, other than to say they are gorgeous. I am a lover of blue and white as well and I have two of these balls as they are not seen very much over here in England. I love the idea of placing them on top of candle sticks, they really look fabulous.
    Susan as one lover of blue and white to another, I have become a new follower.
    I would like to invite you to visit me at Ivy, Phyllis and Me! when you have the time.
    Best Wishes to you,

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