Saturday, February 15, 2014

Coming Late to the Table...

One of my new year's resolutions was to 
finally take the time to figure out
how to use Pinterest.
Armed with a brand new computer,
with what seems like a huge screen,
compared to my old laptop,
the time had come.

I do not know WHY I waited SO long!!!
I cannot tell you the fun I am having with Pinterest!
Above you see a screen shot of some of "my boards."

Establishing a board is an excellent 
way to organize pictures and ideas
of things you like.
The above screen shot is of my board titled,
"Cottage Chic."
Once you have established a board,
you then "pin" images you like
related to that board.

You can have as many boards as you want,
including "secret boards" of you'd rather not share.

Boards can be practical (perhaps a board of recipes 
you'd like to try) or as whimsical as my
board of French Store Fronts, above.

When you open your Pinterest page,
you will see a "feed" of things which have been pinned
by you and people you follow.

Please don't wait as long as I did to get started!
If Pinterest is still new to you,
come join me and taste a bit of the feast!
You can find my boards here.


  1. I was on Pinterest for several years before I started my blog. It is great for saving ideas instead of all the books full of pictures I tore from magazines. Those books ( about 40 in all) are in the attic and I can't bring myself to toss them.

    Just an FYI, I organize my board alphabetically. I click on the board and drag it into place alphabetically. It really helps me when I am looking for specific ideas. Last night I was looking for ideas for new vignettes now that Valentine's Day has passed. I looked at specific boards - On Display, Making a House a Home, Cabinet Fever and Oh, My! It makes it easy to find a picture I know I pinned

    I went to your Cottage Chic board and we have some of the same pins.

  2. I really should learn to use the ropes of Pinterest. I am there but don't use it much. I guess I am afraid I will get addicted to it. lol Your boards look great, Susan. xo Diana

  3. I just left your French storefront pinterest board - Oh, my! - the French sure know how to make you want to go into their shops.

  4. I poo-pooed Pinterest when it first came out, Susan, but now I love to share and follow :) Just be disciplined, because it is as addictive as shopping with someone else's credit card *TeeHee*

    Must check some of your boards!

  5. LOL! Welcome to the addictive but wonderful world of Pinterest! Better late than never :D
    Sometimes when I just want to "chill" I get myself a cappuccino and sit down at my computer and get lost for a couple of hours of Pinterest dreams!
    Beth P


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