Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day

Being a mother is the hardest
job you will ever do.
It is the most demanding,
most self sacrificing
and least appreciated job on earth.

Being a mother is also the most fun,
rewarding, empowering, sharing,
fulfilling and joyful job you will ever do.

Motherhood is a time that goes by way too quickly,
but being a mother is a job that never ends.
Thank goodness.

Happy Mother's Day!

(All pictures are from Pinterest.)


  1. Great pictures. Happy Mothers Day.

  2. A beautiful and wise post!! Happy Mother's Day to you, my dear! We are so blessed to be mothers!

  3. What sweet pictures and the thought's so true. The wee ones grow up far too quickly but a mother's job never ceases.

    Hope your weekend is proving to be a most enjoyable one and may your Mother's Day be exceptionally happy and bright and filled with love.

  4. Happy Mother's Day. Your pictures bring home what it is to be a mother. They all grow up so very fast anymore. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from your Missouri Friend

  5. How sweet. I even taught my son to knit and he made a scarf. Only one but he did it. It's fun being a mother.

  6. Loved the pictures...Happy Mother's Day.

  7. What beautiful observations and pictures. You certainly have a gift for writing!
