Friday, March 11, 2016

Ever Changing Life

I am sorry to say I have been very lax with my blogging lately.
My life has been in a state of flux 
and it is taking me a bit of time 
to wrap my head around the changes taking place here.

My sister, Nancy and I have shared this house
for the past twelve years.
We have had a wonderful co existence since the beginning.
She created a lovely apartment upstairs for herself
and I had the space downstairs.
It was like having your best friend
as your closest neighbor.
We shared many meals, coffee in the morning 
and often a glass of wine before dinner.
We were in and out of each other's space constantly.
Whenever I had an idea and needed feedback,
up the stairs I would head to get her opinions.
We always had a ready companion in each other
for day trips, vacations, and treasure hunts.
(We both share a love of antique, consignment and thrift shops.) 

Another thing we shared was our mutual concern for our parents,
who live six hours away from us.
My Dad will be turning 90 next month.
Although he is sharp as a tack
and in reasonably good health,
he has been our Mother's caregiver for several years now.
Sadly, she suffers from dementia.

Nancy and I have been making 
regular trips to their home
to help in any way we could.
Within the past few months it has become
increasingly clear some changes needed to be made.

After a trip to them in early December,
Nancy announced she would be taking
early retirement from her job
and going to live with them.

So, we have been putting some things in motion
to facilitate that happening since Christmas.
Nancy moved this past Monday.

This is very bittersweet for me.
On the one hand,
I am SO relived my parents will now
have, not just anyone, but someone with them on a
regular and constant basis who really loves them.

On the other hand, 
 my best friend,
nearest neighbor
and sister have moved away.

Her apartment upstairs remains intact,
since she did not take furniture
and she plans to return as often as possible.
And, I plan to go to my parents and her
at least once a month.

Nancy has started a new blog to 
journal her experiences.
She has begun it not with the intention
of  amassing lots of new followers,
but rather for herself,
to keep record of her new journey.
If this experience resonates with you,
you can find her here.
I am sure she will welcome any insights
you may have gathered in a similar situation.

In the meantime, I am getting used to being alone in our house.
Perhaps this is the initiative I need
to start blogging on a regular basis again.
I'll be needing someone to talk to now and then.


  1. Susan, your parents are blessed to be able to stay home. What a tribute to the wonderful daughters that they raised. Each day for all of you will be bittersweet sending prayers.

  2. Life has its difficulties, i had to take care of my mom. Then she became ill and thats when it really got difficult. But its always better when a family member can do the caregiving. Mom passed on two hears ago this March and blogging has helped me a lot. Everyone has been so loving and kind. So perhaps it will help you as well. Have a wonderful new week. Blessings with love Janice
