Sunday, March 26, 2017

Renovations Continue!

Major accomplishment today!

This was the last of the wallpaper.
(This is a downstairs hallway from
my future workroom to the kitchen.)

As of today,
it is now all gone!

The subway tile in the downstair bathroom
began going in last week.

This is what it looks like today!

The bead board is complete in this 
bathroom as well.

This is the upstairs bathroom.
The plaster walls were in such 
bad shape,
it was decided to use 
the bead board floor to ceiling.

Note the new wall at the head of the tub,
added to incorporate a shower.
I am keeping both original tubs.

My contractor informed me this afternoon
that the kitchen cabinets and 
the kitchen/bathroom floor has arrived.
Tomorrow I will be selecting
granite or quartz for the kitchen counter tops
and some lighting fixtures.
One step at a time...


  1. So exciting!!! You are making great headway, Susan!! blessings ~ tanna

  2. You are moving right along!!! That is a good job done to have removed all that wallpaper. That is always a big job, isn't it? Love subway tile and beadboard. Hope you have a really great week. xo Diana
