Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Move Mode

Nancy was back for a visit last week.
She came to organize and pack her personal things,
which we then moved to my new house,
where they will be stored.
It was three days of visiting,
eating at favorite restaurants,
(what to keep,what to let go),
trips to Goodwill,
and back breaking trips to my new house
to stow boxes and boxes of her personal things.

At the end of her visit,
her charming apartment upstairs,
her and what made 
the space hers.

A local charity picked up the couch and chair this morning,
so it's looking even more empty.

This is what moving looks like.
I have been packing for the past several weeks
and feel a total lack of order in my life.
This is my kitchen all packed.
Look at all this stuff!
You're not even seeing
what was let go!
I realize there is NO WAY
all these things are going to fit
into my new little kitchen!!!
I'm taking the Scarlett O'Hara line,
and "I'll think about it tomorrow."

Taking a break from packing,
and on to other projects,
I have been applying paint to a few items
I'll be using at the new house.
The wicker rocking chair belongs to Nancy. 
It was our grandmother's.
It cannot be parted with
and will find a home with me for a while.

Move date: June 6, counting down...


  1. It is sad to see a home become a house as its people empty out... I hope your Buttermilk Cottage is going to have someone love it well.

    It IS exciting to see your new home come to life!! Bring on June 6!! blessings and hugs ~ tanna

  2. I always loved Nancy's living area. Great memories of when I would visit and we would have our morning coffee up there together all three of us.
