Friday, June 2, 2017

Birthday Posts and Other Such News

View from my window this Spring.

What a year 2017 has been for me!

I sold a house.  I bought a house.
I renovated a house.

If you have been visiting regularly the past few months,
you’ve watched the renovations I have been making on
my new/old Cape Cod.

We are almost there.
In fact the newest improvement 
to report to you is that the wood floors 
are finished!
I visited the house on Wednesday,
and although I could not walk through
and see everything,
I did snap a couple
of pictures to share.

I think they look great!

This is the last report I will post 
from my bungalow home.
Next time, you’ll hear from me
from the Cape Cod.

I am going away tomorrow for an 
overnight birthday respite.
When I return Sunday afternoon,
I will begin to ferry things
which I don’t trust to leave to the movers
to the new house.
They will be here on Tuesday.

With my brother Rick in Paris last year.
That brings me to "other such news."
Tomorrow I am meeting
 a dear friend, M 
in a nearby city to celebrate our "days."
M’s birthday is Saturday.  Mine is Sunday.

I have known M since 7th grade,
so yes, long time friends,
but with a long gap during that time.
We lost touch after HS graduation 
and reconnected just after  
I purchased the Cape Cod.
That’s almost 50 years!
M is the kind of friend with whom
our conversations immediately resumed
as though we had never been apart.
(I hope you have a friend like that too.)
M has also been watching my progress,
boosting me up, when I was down,
listening to my endless house details,
and always interested in the process.

Which brings me to the point of this
birthday post.
Much as I cringe to admit it
I am not young anymore.

Celebrating my Dad's 91st this year.

Yet, this year has taught me that
it does not matter the number of your years.
The trick is to stay open to new adventures,
new challenges, and to embrace them.
This year I have learned
some new lessons about
stepping outside my comfort zone.

My daughter and sister in France last year.
And as a result,
 I have had a magical year thus far.
The year is only half over
and I have just begun my new adventures.

Hope you’ll continue to follow along
as I settle in, 
and continue to transform and create my new
Buttermilk Cottage!

The former Buttermilk Cottage


  1. Susan, your life reminds me of the metamorphosis of the butterfly, which we have been watching here for the last month. Your new cottage is being transformed into something beautiful and fresh like a new monarch. I am so happy for you and for the new house that got to have you as its owner. Enjoy your birthday celebration 🎉!

  2. I admire your enthusiasm and courage in stepping outside your comfort zone and embracing all the changes and challenges Life offers! The only constant is change! I'm soon to be 69 years old and the last 13 years have been the happiest of my entire life! God sometimes saves the BEST for LAST!

  3. Happy, Happy Belated Birthday, Susan! I love your zest for life!! It's contagious!! ;) So happy you are sharing your metamorphosis with us! blessings and all the best! tanna
    ps you look wonderful in that red coat and I LOVE your refinished floors!

  4. Have been reading some back posts and just wanted to say I love seeing your new home and being here for the new adventure.
