Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Dressing the Dining Room Table for Christmas

Because it will be decorated for a while, I like to keep my dining room table "dressed" fairly simply for the holiday season.

Starting first with a bare table...

I add a holiday runner.

This runner is one I sewed myself. It's reversible.
Because my dining room is a bit dark,
I need the livelier of the two sides to brighten up the space.

This is a painted terra cotta pot.

Doesn't it look as though it's wrapped in ribbons?

It holds a small artificial tree topped with a simple twig wreath.

Next comes a collection of small pots which belonged to my grandmother.

She always had them filled with violets.
I don't use a lot of green in my house,
but I love to bring these pots out at holiday time.

I'm going to fill them with these tiny trees purchased at a craft store several years ago.

I'm also going to use napkins inside the pots for a bit of layering and color.

For several years I chose a new holiday fabric
and made napkins each year.
Now I have quite a collection.
Those of you who sew might recognize some of these fabric patterns.

These are the napkins I'll be using.
Looking at them against the runner, they look a bit discordant, don't they?
It will work, I promise.

The folded napkin is placed on top of the pot...

...and in goes the little tree.

Finally, they are all lined up and down the table.

It's very organic, don't you think?

I have to confess,

this is how I have dressed my holiday table for many years.

Am I lazy? I prefer the label "traditionalist."

I find I still like it after several years,

so why reinvent the wheel?

Just a word about the french doors behind the table.

They are real doors I found in an antique shop,

but I had them backed with mirrors.

They simply "lean" against the wall.

I love that they give my dining room some depth and more light.

I had no floor space for a piece of furniture and

they solve the problem of needing something large on the wall .

This week I'm visiting

"Boring to Better" Party at Savvy Southern Style

"Thursday Tablescape" Party at Between Naps on the Porch

"Fabric Fun Thursday" Party at Cheap Chic Home

"All Things Merry & Brite" Party at All Things Heart and Home

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Highlights from Buttermilk Cottage's 2010 Fiber Show

The Holiday Fiber Show here at Buttermilk Cottage was last weekend.
I'll be spotlighting some individual work in the days to come, but for today, here are some highlights from the show.

As you enter the front door.

Knitted baubles!

A study in grays...

Our "check-out" counter.

Knitted, felted and quilted stockings.

View from the entrance into the living room.


Scarves, and

More scarves!

Christmas tree with knitted ornaments.

Jaunty hats!

The dining room table was a focal point of blue items.

Pillows on the window seat.

Quilts and afghans in the bedroom.

Fun jewelry.

More goodies in my office.

My idea board never looked so good!

More knitted purses.

Even the back porch was put to work!
I'm linking to the "All Things Merry & Brite" Party

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Vinyl Wall Decals--How Easy is That?

Imaginary conversation in my head, when someone first sees my new kitchen artwork...
(them) "How gorgeous is that! How'd you do it?"
(me) "With a very steady hand..."
Just kidding. I would give credit where credit is due.

Earlier this fall while visiting my brother Rick
and his (very creative) wife, Terry,
I spied some nifty wall decals she had on her walls.
She assured me they were very simple to use.
Once I started looking for a place to "install" some,
I found loads of places.
I have several archways that cried out
for some sort of pretty script.
The back door would be the perfect place for an "Entre Vous..."
(Am I remembering my college French correctly?)
The doorway to my office could have my business' name...
the possibilities were endless.
I finally settled upon this wall in my kitchen,
above my small breakfast table.
Next step, finding the PERFECT decal.
I went to the "go-to" place, Etsy.
I have decided, if you can't find what you want at Etsy,
it either doesn't exist or you don't need it in the first place.
The choices are endless.
I found my "my" decal at Willow Creek Signs.
It arrived within four or five days of ordering it.
I kid you not, it took me about fifteen minutes
to have this project finished!
The instructions were clear and to the point.
It could not have been simplier.

The perfect sentiment about the kitchen!
You may have noticed I already have my kitchen Christmas tree in place.
That's ONLY because Buttermilk Cottage's
Second Annual Fiber Art Show and Holiday Sale
is this weekend.
Big doings here this week!

Have a good one!

I'm linking up with the following parties this week:

Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
First a Dream for the RE-Party
Cottage Instincts for Make It 4 Monday
Savvy Southern Style for Before and After

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fruit Flies in my Kitchen--It's a Good Thing!

It's a good thing to have these
fruit flies in my kitchen.
I unpacked this small ornament collection this morning
and they've taken up residence in my kitchen window
until after the holiday season.

Several years ago, I first found a couple of these ornaments.
Since then, whenever I happen upon one
I add it to my small collection of now six ornaments.
"Miss Strawberry," the newest addition,
was found the first year I moved into Buttermilk Cottage--
a good omen!
Stirring up the Christmas plum pudding!

"Miss Hospitality"

I love the whimsy of these ornaments.

Tea, anyone?

They're a little difficult for you to see, but they are now hanging in my kitchen window and make me smile every time I look up from the sink.

While I was at it, the Kitchen Fairy begged to go to his place in the other window, where he spreads sugar dust during the holidays!

And keeps an eye on the winter garden.

I'm linking to the "All Things Merry & Brite" Party