Monday, May 23, 2011

Favorite Breakfast These Days

It's strawberry season here in East Tennessee.
I think I've found the perfect way to make use of their abundance

Since I'm eating the same thing every morning these days,
I'm starting with a large container of fat free, plain yogurt.

I add one teaspoon of vanilla flavoring to the container and mix well.
Then each morning I spoon about a half cup of the yogurt into a bowl.

and add one envelope of Equal.

Add some fresh, sliced strawberries.

Then add a handful of sliced almonds
Trust me, this is so good, you could eat it for dessert.
This week I'm linking up with
Tasty Tuesdays at 33 Shades of Green
Foodie Friday at Designs by Gollum


  1. This looks really good! We are going to pick up the ingredients tomorrow and serve this Friday morning! Summer is spending the night Thursday and this will be perfect for breakfast before I take her back downtown to work on Friday morning.Thank you so much for shareing!

    Perfect spring dish!

  2. What a great way to enjoy those fresh strawberries! Yum! - Melissa
