Thursday, May 26, 2011

From My Book Shelf--ROOM by Emma Donoghue

ROOM by Emma Donoghue is one of those books that's so engrossing you can't put it down.
Yet there are times when you HAVE to put it down because it becomes so intense, you need to get away from it for a bit.
It's told through the voice of five year old Jack, who is an engaging and endearing boy. 
Slowly, the reader begins to understand that  what appears to be Jack's secure and structured world is  actually a prison for his "Ma" and himself.  Jack and Ma's world is an 11'x11' room where Ma has been held for the past seven years after being kidnapped at the age of nineteen.  In this room, Ma has created the only world  Jack has ever known. 
Through a gripping plan, Ma and Jack are able to escape.  What should then become "happily ever after" becomes one struggle after another for them to re-enter the real world. 
This is a very satisfying read and I recommend it.

1 comment:

  1. I read a review of this book when it came out and put it on my "list". So far haven't gotten to it but you've managed to move it up a few notches.

