Friday, July 22, 2011

Do Not Call!

Did you know..
Cell phone numbers go public this month?
All cell phone numbers are being released to
telemarketing companies and you will probably
start to receive sales calls.
You can call the
National DO NOT CALL Registry
and have your number blocked.
Call 888-382-1222.
You must call from the phone number
you want blocked.
Once registered, you're on the list for five years
It takes about 20 seconds to register.
(I just did it.)
If you' like more information you can find it here.

(Thanks to my brother Rick for this info.)

Buttermilk Cottage is part of our
neighborhood's Garden Tour tomorrow.
Hope for good weather!
Have a great weekend!


  1. Hi Susan! I'm at
    the library pecking
    away on one of their
    computers. Thanks for
    this info; I will most
    definitely act on it!
    I bet your garden will
    be a BIG hit on the tour.
    Good luck and Happy Friday!
    xx Suzanne
    PS: So glad you are
    going to join the show-n-tell
    next week : )

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well this is one thing that doesn`t impact me. We don`t have a cell, no service at our place!

  4. Told my whole family. Thanks for the tip. Debi

  5. Thanks for the important information. I hope your garden tour is a success.


  6. I have registered on that before. Wonder if we need to do it again. Hmmmm...

    How did the garden tour go? I hope it was cooler in your neck of the woods. It was still 100 degrees at 9pm tonight. I'm really getting ready for a bit of cooler air.

    blessings ~ tanna
