Thursday, July 21, 2011

Progress Report #3

The mice sweater-knitting continues...
Yarn for the little sweaters went with
me on my recent trip to NYC.

You can knit a serious number of these little sweaters,
when you're sitting at the airport all day long!

69 now finished...
31 left to go!
(The subtitle of this project is
"More time than good sense.")


  1. LOL! I just love looking at that little army of sweatered mice!! Too cute! Have a great day, Susan! blessings ~ tanna

  2. Your little mice are so cute. I enjoyed reading about your trip to New York and am glad all went well with your daughter. Hope you are staying cool in your area. It is terrible hot here. Have a great day.

  3. These guys just make me smile!!!
    xo Cathy
