Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Wee Knitting Project

I just recently completed a sweet little knitting project
for a darling little new, baby boy named Anthony.
Anthony is the first grandchild of
my dear friend Marty.
I first met Marty in a pastry class
when her twins,
Matthew and Susie were infants.
(Susie is Baby Anthony's Mommy.)
It was one of those connections where we both
felt as if we'd known each other all our lives
after our first meeting.
Mark, Marty's husband is
my daughter Kate's godfather.
Although Marty and her family now live far away
and we don't visit often,
we still maintain
a solid connection.

I've had this sock yarn in my stash
for quite a while, always planning
to someday knit a baby sweater with it.
 So, when Marty told me Susie was expecting
I knew the time had come.

The sweater is knit from sleeve to sleeve.
Because the yarn is "space dyed"
the color-change pattern evolves
simply by knitting.
Clever, huh?

I had some yarn left after finishing the sweater.
A little matching hat was needed.

Then, a little bunny that was going along
needed to coordinate,
so he got a matching scarf too!

A big congratulations to
Baby Anthony's parents, Susan and Anthony
Grandparents, Mark and Marty.
(Marty...come visit soon!)

This week I'm linking with
Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style
Whatever Goes Wednesday at Someday Crafts
Look What I Made at Creations by Kara
Transformation Thursday at The Shabby Chic Cottage
Show & Tell Friday at My Romantic Home


  1. That is so cute and so sweet of you. thanks for joining the party.

  2. Darling!! Congratulations to all!


  3. Precious! You chose a perfect pattern for that long saved yarn! He is one lucky boy to receive that wonderful gift! blessings ~ tanna

  4. Just beautiful, I really wish I knew how to knit!

  5. What an adorable set! Love the color and you photographed them so well! I'm your newest follower; found you via Kim.

  6. Susan,
    You are SO talented! I love that set and I know it will be treasured by mother and son, alike!!

  7. Susan,
    these are just so cute! Do you have the patterns to share? :o)

    Love your blog!


  8. What a sweet little set. Love the yarn. Thanks for sharing.

    Hugs and Smiles,
