Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Knitted Boutique Bags on Sale!

I'm doing a little housecleaning at

I'd like to make some space for
a new shop section.
Etsy only allows ten per shop, go figure.

Right now
all my small boutique bags
are on sale at a real savings.

All these bags are hand knitted,
in my own FUSION Yarn,
fully lined,
and one of a kind.
You can take a peek here.
(Click each bag individually
at the site for its details.)
By the way, free shipping!


  1. Love your blues and reds colors in the fusion yarn!
    xo Cathy

  2. Susan, you are so brave and smart mastering the etsy, facebook, and blog world. I am always so impressed. These bags are too cute! blessings ~ Tanna

  3. You are so talented
    and bravo for having
    such a sweet shop to
    showcase your talents,
    Susan! I'll pop over
    to have a peek : )
    xx Suzanne
