Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Passion for Blue and White

Six years ago when I purchased and began planning to decorate
Buttermilk Cottage,
I decided my color palette would be red, blue and yellow.
I love the combination of the colors together.

Early on I found a wonderful fabric
that became the basis of my kitchen decorations.
I fell in love with all those blue and white
flower pots.

Imagine my delight at finding this art print,
THE ARRANGEMENT by Bobbie Burgers!
It now hangs over my living room mantel.

Next, I began collecting blue and white Chinese ceramic pots 
in which to plant my violets.

Since then, my collection of blue and white
has grown...
ginger jars, candlesticks, carpet balls...

It's not just me...
often (and recently),
features blue and white motifs on their covers.

I even found a blue and white Chinese cigarette box.
I'm not so politically incorrect as to keep cigarettes in it,
but it makes a nifty holder for sweets!

What's your color passion?
Has it generated a collection for you?


  1. I've always had a passion for greens and earthy colours until recently when blue and yellow entered my life, my decor, my house is slowly being taken over! Your collections are beautiful.

  2. Your blue and white is beautiful!! So cheerful and lovely. Hope you have a wonderful week, Susan. blessings ~ tanna

  3. I love your blue and white combo. Years ago I had so much blue and white and then, started changing things up a bit and gave most of my collection to one daughter. It is such a fresh look, I think. Your accessories are beautiful. xo Diana

    ps...if you didn't already do so pop over to my blog and sign up for yesterday's BLOVE giveaway.

  4. You and my MIL would get along fabulously! She has a similar color scheme throughout her home.

  5. My kitchen is blue and yellow...soft in color. I think it looks so cheery and I love it. Your collection of blue and white is so diverse..alot of conversation starters, I'm sure, and it is so pretty.

  6. I have a very large collection of blue and whites. I have loved it for so long it is almost a part of me.When my little grand babies moved far away my son called me and asked I would send Dax and Petra each one of my blue Willow plates because they only had one and they fought every morning over who would eat on Nana's plate!

  7. Your blue and white is so pretty. My kitchen use to be blue, but my hubby changed it to a yellow. He loved doing those kind of things before he got sick. The yellow is bright enough at times it makes you think you have left the light on and didn't. Have a wonderful weekend. Your Missouri Friend.

  8. Your blue and white is beautiful. I have been a blue and white fan for years. About 30 years ago I started collecting blue and white Delft, but have also mixed in other blue and white patterns. I added some cobalt glass in the window and it is pretty and cheerful when the sun shines through it. In spring I add a little shot of red with some red tulips in a vase or pot. Your African violets sure look pretty in their blue and white pots.

  9. Much to my delight, I just found your blog. I also love blue and white and have blue and white somehow in every room in my house! My love of it can be traced back to a child's set of blue willow dishes that I received for Christmas when I was 8 years old! I still have it and display it on a shelf in my dining room, along with some of my other pieces.

    I was getting so much, that I actually sold quite a bit at a yard sale a few years ago. I went through it and only saved my favorite pieces. I had to tell family members not to buy any more for me because I had no where else to put it. My latest love was Polish pottery which my son started to buy for me, but I also do not have room for any more of that either.

    I have cobalt blue tiles in both of my bathrooms. I was looking for a vessel sink in a blue and white design recently and think I'm going to do that.
