Thursday, March 1, 2012

Three Glorious Days in the Mountains!

I've just retuned from my knitting group's annual retreat.

We spent the past three nights at the same "cabin" we had last year
in the mountains of Tennessee.

Step inside and I'll give you a glimpse of how we spent our time.

Of course, knitting (and weaving) weren't our only occupations.

We enjoyed the view,

as well as some glorious spring weather.

Our retreat was filled with inspiration.
We all ate too much, talked too much,
(DOWNTON ABBEY was thoroughly discussed,
as well as re watched).
Once again, the retreat can be declared a total success
and I for one, am looking forward to next year!


  1. That looks like a wonderful way to spend a few days!

  2. such a beautiful cabin, friends and sunshine, what could be better!

  3. I am green! GREEN with envy I tell you! LOL! Oh, Susan, this looks like heaven. How wonderful and you all had so many beautiful projects going!! Be still my heart... and what a view! So glad you enjoyed this delightful retreat and thank you for making me green this morning (I dont' think we are supposed to envy). ;) blessings ~ Tanna

  4. Look at all that talent. Beautiful work. What fun to get together and spend time in a pretty place.

  5. What a wonderful getaway. It looks like all you gals have wonderful talents that you put to good use! xo Diana

  6. Yes, what a wonderful getaway! I used to go to scrapbooking retreats that were so much fun...lots of food, fun, projects accomplished and little sleep...but so well worth it!! But the location was nothing like yours ;)

  7. What a fun getaway! I've always wanted to try one of those looms. Good friends and beautiful setting - doesn't get any better!
    xo Cathy

  8. Wow, can't believe
    it's been a year since
    you were there! Sounds
    like the perfect getaway ~
    friends, your favorite
    hobby, good food and
    a GREAT view!

    Welcome home : )

    xx Suzanne

  9. Oh how fun- what a wonderful girl trip! I'd love every minute of a weekend like that. Knitting in the sunshine- that glorious view-- how wonderful. I'd love seeing all the great projects too!
    Great post!
