Saturday, May 31, 2014

Lots of New Small Projects Bags!

Isn't it interesting how one project
can generate a whole new batch of projects?

I recently cleaned out my fabric stash,
in an effort to create a little more space.
(Perhaps that means I can go
out and buy more now!!!)

In the process I found several pieces of fabric,
many I did not even remember I had,
that were just the right size for making 

Thus, I spent a good part of last week
sewing an assortment of small project bags.

And I spent ALL DAY yesterday,
photographing them, editing the photos,
and writing listings for them.

This morning, they are all posted on my 
Etsy site.

I feel as though I've been immersed in small bags
for the past several days!
Many of these bags are one of a kind,
since I was using "found" fabric!

So, if you happen to need a new small tote,
 (can you ever have too many totes?)
Buttermilk Cottage at Etsy
is well stocked!
Doesn't your gorgeous knitting
need to be in just as pretty a bag?

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

On My Needles Today...

is a pretty little brown hat.
I am using my FUSION Yarn
and am really liking the little touch
of red with the brown.
Can you see it?
Happy knitting!

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

Here we are,
the beginning of another summer season!

Spring is such a busy time and for me
it's because there are so many projects
I want to complete before summer,
so I can pretty much sit back and enjoy it.

Are you a list maker?
I am.
There is something so satisfying about marking things off.
However, it seems that for every project I complete,
I think of two more to add to my list.

But I am very happy to say,
most of my "get done before summer" projects are now done!

The flower boxes on the front porch
have gone from barren to, if not yet lush,
at least planted.
They got their first dose of
Miracle-Gro this morning,
so they'll be coming along fine.

I have even planted a container with lavender,
after being so inspired with how it was used 
in Germany last summer.

The porch has been totally cleaned and is ready for use.

The front steps, which each year after a
winter of salting and scraping...

…always show their wear and need to be repainted.


All the outside windows and screens have been washed,
although I still have few inside that need to be done.
The dining room has been painted,
the french door mirrors have been painted,
the heating and air conditioning grates have been painted…
Work, work, work.
Never ending if you are a homeowner.
But for the most part,
I say, "Summer…bring it on!"
I am ready to enjoy!

I have even loaded up the crock pot this morning 
with a barbecue recipe that looks good.
(I'll share later if it's as good as it looks.)
Nanniepannie and I will be eating it all weekend,
our substitution for a picnic this weekend.

Don't forget to fly your flag this weekend
out of respect and gratitude for our military.

Wait a minute,
we fly ours everyday.
A profound appreciation to everyone
who has served and enabled me 
to enjoy the life I live.
(Especially my dear brother Rick who
is serving now in Germany. 
Love you Rick!)

Happy Memorial Day Weekend
and happy summer 
to each of you!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

On My Needles Today...

…is the beginning of a triangular scarf,
in shades of blue.
It will have fringe on two sides.

Here's a little update of a couple of other projects this month:

A couple of weeks ago I was working on a second mitten
to go with one already finished.
Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention and 
knitted it exactly like the first…
meaning I had two right handed mittens.
So I had to knit two more left handed ones
to go with those already knitted!

The scarf from last week is now finished!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Another Spring Project -- Done!

I am showing you a picture, snapped this morning,
of some pretty flowers
that border my front walkway.
This lovely sight is just to get your attention.
Sorry, but I have a very mundane post today.

What is it about Spring
that makes all those
little house projects,

that you have managed to ignore 
for quite a while,
suddenly seem you cannot
stand for another day?

My lovely little house is an old one,
almost 100 years old.
Last week, after living with the vents
for the past eight or so years,
I suddenly looked at them and thought,
These vents are probably original 
to the house and it's not a wonder
they look awful. 

Time for a little cosmetic update.

We had a perfect day last weekend
for spray painting outside.

Before and after!

Why do I let these little project go for so long?
Especially  when the whole job 
took about an hour,
and what a difference!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

On My Needles Today...

…is a scarf knitted in…

…a combination of many of the shades of Autumn.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day

Being a mother is the hardest
job you will ever do.
It is the most demanding,
most self sacrificing
and least appreciated job on earth.

Being a mother is also the most fun,
rewarding, empowering, sharing,
fulfilling and joyful job you will ever do.

Motherhood is a time that goes by way too quickly,
but being a mother is a job that never ends.
Thank goodness.

Happy Mother's Day!

(All pictures are from Pinterest.)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

On My Needles Today...

…is the beginning of a gold mitten.

Knitted with one stand of wool
and one strand of mohair,

it is the mate to one already knitted.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Tweaking the Dining Room

I have finished painting my dining room!
As I look at my pictures,
I am noticing this was more of a 
exercise than a major change.
After all, I did only go from yellow to darker yellow.

This was the color I started with,
a bright, "lemony" yellow.

Note the rug.

In an effort to get "less fussy"
it is going away.

Actual painting is not really a part of the job that I dislike.
It's the total chaos and disorder you live with 
while you're doing it.

Getting started by doing all the hand painted edging.

You can get an idea of the color change here.
This darker yellow is a more mustard yellow.


I have replaced the oriental rug
with a natural jute one.

I like how my recently painted
pop against the new yellow.

By the way, the yellow love seats
in the living room
will soon be slip covered in 
an off white fabric.
(Isn't it amazing how one change
brings about lots of
other changes.)

One spring project done!
A hundred more left to do…

Linking this week to
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
Twirl and Take a Bow at All Things Heart and Home
Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style