Happy Memorial Day weekend to everyone.
Hope your weekend is a good one.
So far, mine has been.
It started yesterday...
...when my sister Nancy decided it was time
to replace her laptop.
I went along for moral support.
Since neither of us is very techno savvy,
it was decided two brains might be helpful
in asking the right questions and making
a good decision.
So off we went to Best Buy.
I had a bit of an second agenda.
Last Sunday's ads had included
what looked to me like a pretty good
price on an I Pad.
We looked at the laptops,
Nancy made her choice and purchase.
As our helpful "geek" was finishing up the sale,
I whipped out the sale circular and asked to see
what they had.
I have had a yen for an I Pad since last winter
when one of my knitting buddies brought hers to
our knitting retreat in the mountains.
I've also been seeing more and more
references to the "Square Reader."
It's a nifty way to accept credit cards
using your I Phone or I Pad.
I have no use for an I Phone--
I think it would be too much phone for me.
However, an I Pad...hummmmm.
My brain has been tossing around the idea
that this might just be just the ticket for
We've always been a cash and carry show.
But what if we accepted credit cards...
So I now have a brand new
toy to play with and learn
the ins and outs.
Nancy decided to have some software loaded
onto her new laptop which took a little time.
While waiting I wandered to the appliances.
It's crazy but I have been planning to
buy a freezer all my adult life,
but for one reason or another,
never have.
I even had an outlet installed in the basement
a couple of years ago for when I did.
Well, what do you know,
Best Buy had exactly what I wanted,
on sale.
The one I got is just a small one,
but will be wonderful for the
we do each year.
I can start baking much earlier
and stock things away for it!
So, I think I've done my part this
holiday weekend to keep the
American economy going...

Sales notwithstanding,
I am also remembering and
appreciating all the sacrifices
that have been made
by our military this
Memorial Day weekend.
Have a wonderful one!
(all images are from Google)
Can't wait to hear what you think about your iPad. Hubby loves his. Your sheep star is just perfect!! have a wonderful weekend. blessings ~ tanna
How wonderful that you got an Ipad. I have not tried one but know they are great. Love the sheep star, too. Hope you have a great weekend- xo Diana
Love my iPad! You'll like it. And remember there's always "an app for that" So many fun things to add with apps. And the square reader works well too.
Enjoy the holiday weekend!
xo Cathy
wow, what a productive day! I love the sound of all of it! I am not computer savvy at all, but I keep trying, I want to thankyou for visiting me, and your kind words,
Some excellent buys. I don't want an iPhone either. Might want the iPad someday though.
You found some really nice buys. I don't want and I phone, but an ipad might be a different story. I am taking some me time to catch up with my friends. Have a wonderful week. Your Missouri Friend.
I'm laughing myself silly-/ this is do great!! Yes// you are supporting our economy!! And-- getting the things you want!
Do you already know the dates for the holiday show and next years bistro-- I'd love to plan to come!!
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