Over the years, I have taught many people to knit.One of the things I always tell new knitters is that...
...a crocheter doesn't need to know how to knit, but a knitter needs to know a little something about crocheting.
There are places on a knitted piece, around the neck, cuffs, button edge, when a crocheted edging is just what's needed. And a knitter MUST have some crochet hooks in her bag for correcting mistakes and weaving up dropped stitches.
I have carried Brittany Hooks in my bag for years. I particularly like them because they're pretty and feel good in my hands. Brittany Hooks are beautifully sculpted from sustainable, harvested birch.
With all that in mind, I've selected an assortment of three sizes, "D", "F" and "H" for a range of possibilities, depending upon the size yarn being used.
I've sewn an assortment of pretty, three pocket cases in designer fabrics with grosgrain ribbon ties and added them to my Etsy Shop. (You can find them under "Knitting Needle Cases")
A perfect set of crochet hooks just for knitters!
What could be more fun than fabric that looks like knitting?
If you don't see a fabric that suits you, please see my other needle cases.I can sew you a case in many of the fabric choices on my site.
Hope everyone has a great weekend.
It's turned cool and cloudy here,
so I think I'll just sit and knit this weekend.
They are so pretty I wish I do either of them. Maybe when the kids get older and I can sit in peace. I may have to tie us all up with the yarn ... hehe :)
Susan, those ARE beautiful crocket hooks! And,your bag is divine!! I am really going to enjoy getting back to my knitting when this home tour weekend is over!! Hope you are enjoying yours. Blessings ~ Tanna
I have NEVER seen such pretty crochet hooks AND then adding the charming bag is so special!
The crochet hooks are quite nice. The bags that you made are quite lovely.
Very nice.
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